Wild – Fire and Rescue
Warren Frey + Richard Bugg
5 February – 3 April, 2022
A photographic exhibition by Firefighter Warren Frey, and Paramedic Richard Bugg of images taken during their work as emergency responders in remote Tasmanian environments.
These images of landscapes and emergency workers have been captured over the past seven years during training exercises and when responding to fire, rescue and medical emergencies providing a unique perspective, not just as photographers, but as participants in unfolding events.
Grit, Warren Frey, Tasmanian Fire Service.
“We hope this insight into perspectives of the emergency responder deepens your appreciation and respect for the wild and beautiful Tasmanian landscape and of the work done by Tasmania’s emergency services.”
– Warren Frey and Richard Bugg
Wild – Fire and Rescue
The images in this exhibition evolved from a specific context. Both Warren and I were at work in remote environments with the emergency services when the photographs were taken – Warren as a Firefighter, and myself as a Flight Paramedic.
Taking photographs on remote-area fire-grounds, and during search-and-rescue operations is necessarily subservient to the primary tasks at hand – firefighting, rescue, and patient care.
Consequently, the opportunity to wield a camera in these circumstances is fleeting at best, and often doesn’t even eventuate. But at times there is a lull in operations, or the burden of immediate responsibility is not very high. In those moments, the possibility arises to reach for the camera to try to record something of what is happening around us.
The selection of images forms part of an ongoing project to document our work in the emergency services. Not just as photographers, but as participants in unfolding events. As such, we have a unique perspective not readily accessible to others.
We hope this insight into perspectives of the emergency responder deepens your appreciation and respect for the wild and beautiful Tasmanian landscape and of the work done by Tasmania’s emergency services.
With thanks for support from Ambulance Tasmania, the Tasmania Fire Service and Tasmania Police.
Richard Bugg and Warren Frey
Image 1. ‘South Cape Rivulet’ – Richard Bugg | Image 2. ‘Enervation’ – Warren Frey | Image 3. Thark Ridge, kunanyi (Mt Wellington) – Richard Bugg