The NorthWest Woodcraft Guild is an open workshop and visitors are welcome to view our gallery and to purchase items for sale.
The Hive Workshop is home to the NorthWest Woodcraft Guild (NWWG).
NWWG are an enthusiastic group of people with a passion for crafting timber into decorative and useful items.
The North West Woodcraft Guild has been active in the community since 1990 providing a gathering place for likeminded enthusiasts to share knowledge, skills, and ideas in the use of unique Tasmanian timbers, machinery and hand tools.
Through this sharing of knowledge, the Guild’s aim is to improve the level of woodworking skills for all members and improve the quality of the items they produce.
NWWG also runs regular workshops for members and the general public in diverse woodcraft practices, so stay tuned to the Hive Events page for what is coming up soon.
New members are welcome!