Hive Summer Buzz


January 18


10:52 am - 10:52 am

Event Category:


Celebrating the launch of our Summer program!

You are invited to Hive’s Summer Buzz to celebrate the launch of our summer program.

This is a free event with activites happening throughout the building including:

· Art Gallery exhibition opening: A New Eye on Nature by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy featuring the work of photographers Nick Green, Karen Marie Keefe, and Kelly Slater.

· New ground floor exhibitions by local Artist Collective Untidy Shed and the Ulverstone Museum Volunteers on The Early Medical History of Ulverstone.

· Two new stories in the Museum exhibition: A Town is a Tapestry

· Drop-in Art and Science Activities

· Planetarium Previews

· Live Music

· Leven Regional Arts (LRA) and Northwest Woodcraft Guild (NWWCG) open studios – for all your local Christmas shopping needs!

· Plus a 10% discount in the Hive shop for all those attending the event!



Saturday 2 December 2023 | 1 – 3PM

The official opening and speeches will take place on Level 1 at 1:15pm where light refreshments will be served.

Guest Speakers:

  • Central Coast Mayor Councillor Cheyl Fuller
  • Tasmania Land Conservancy CEO: James Hattam
  • Manager Arts & Culture Jessie Pangas



50 Main Street, Ulverstone

Tasmania, Australia

*Please check in a Visitor Services on arrival.


This event is free, but registration is essential.

*Please note: Entry is free between 1- 3pm only.

* * * * *

For more information about Hive, visit

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Mon – Sun | 10am to 4pm


50 Main Street, Ulverstone

Tasmania, Australia

In the Art Gallery:

A New Eye on Nature

Tasmanian Land Conservancy photographic residency with Nick Green, Karen Marie Keefe, and Kelly Slater

Saturday 2 December – Sunday 17 March

In 2023, the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC) ran a photography residency on its nature reserves, allowing three emerging photographers to deeply immerse in place. The TLC operates on the principle that to conserve nature in the face of climate change and ecosystem collapse, it is not enough to remove humans from the picture: we must recognise our influence and make evidence-based interventions. Through this residency – aimed at photographers marginalised from mainstream nature photography – the TLC has encouraged contemporary and diverse views and understandings of our relationship with responses to nature. As nature changes in dramatic and unpredictable ways, so too must our representations of nature. These photographs will spark conversation on what nature is, what it is becoming, and how conservation organisations such as the TLC might respond.

Image: Karen Marie Keefe, Abstract 1, photographic print on plantine fibre rag.

In the Museum:

A Town is a Tapestry

and every person’s story is a stitch

Featuring two new stories from the Central Coast region – ‘Skies and Sand’ about the derring-do thrill-seeking early pilots; and ‘The River King’ about Tom Horsham’s leisure craft on the Leven River and at Lobster Creek.

Image: Thomas Horsham’s Motor Launch on the Leven River, 1920s. History Collection.

On the Ground Floor:

  • Untidy Shed (Artist Collective)

Untidy Shed is a brand-new artist collective based here on the North-West Coast of Tasmania. They support an inclusive and diverse range of members including disabled, neurodivergent, queer, and emerging artists and cover a wide range of mediums and disciplines in both 2D and 3D artforms including ceramics, printmaking, painting, cardmaking, and digital art. Most of their members are at the beginning of their professional art careers and we are excited to show their talent to the world!


  • The Early Medical History of Ulverstone (Ulverstone Museum Volunteers)

Learn more about the first doctors, hospitals, and nurses to help Ulverstone residents with medical emergencies and health care.

Image: Ulverstone Hospital, Nurse Gwen Moore, c. 1930s. History Collection.

Open Studios:

(Ground Floor)

Leven Regiona Arts – Studio 2

Studio Two is home to Leven Regional Arts (LRA) a dynamic community art initiative dedicated to nurturing creativity by providing a working art space for members to practice, engage in peer support and share skills.

LRA is an open workshop and visitors are welcome to view artworks and purchase items for sale from their beautiful range of artisan gifts including stunning textiles, unique jewelry, original artworks and more!

Northwest Woodcraft Guild – Workshop

The Hive Workshop is home to the NorthWest Woodcraft Guild (NWWG) an enthusiastic group of people with a passion for crafting timber into decorative and useful items.

NWWG also runs regular workshops for members and the general public in diverse woodcraft practices.


(Level 2)

Come on a journey through space and explore the universe, all from the comfort of Hive in a free planetarium taster sessions :

  • 1345
  • 1415
  • 1445

Sessions are approximately 20 minutes and are not ticketed. To secure your seat make sure to be outside the Planetarium door 5 minutes before the show start time.

Hive Shop:

Attending this event unlocks a sizzling 10% off everything storewide in the Hive Shop including souvenirs, gift lines, toys, games, books, STEM toys and so much more. It’s the perfect opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts, stocking fillers, and summer essentials. Whether you’re shopping for beautiful art calendars, fun and educational games for the family, unique souvenirs, or an interesting book, Hive has you covered!

Hive Access

Upcoming Planetarium Shows