
Sophie Underwood
13 August – 25 September 2022

Sophie Underwood’s Boukla exhibition is the culmination of two journeys – one artistic, the other personal, that came together in an unexpected twist that raises questions about the impact of nature versus nurture, and the indelible power of cultural roots and ancestral memory.

Follow Sophie on her decade-long journey of self-discovery to learn about her biological heritage that unexpectedly intersected with her artistic practice, when she discovered that the colourful floral collages she had been drawn to creating are the cultural symbol of Kastellorizo, a tiny Greek island, which ultimately turned out to be the source of her paternal heritage.

Also on display will be a series of enchanting Kastellorizian women’s textiles on public display for the first time, generously loaned by a member of the Kastellorizian community in Victoria as a compliment to Sophie’s beautiful collages.

About the artist

Born in Hobart, Sophie Underwood’s upbringing on this naturally beautiful island has forged in her a love of plants, especially flowers, and islands. Over her life, she has had many roles – mother, wife, artist, advocate and activist, to which she now adds visual artist with Boukla, her first exhibition. 

Soma Lumia - takayna Anthropocene Blues

Sophie Underwood with Green & Blue, 2022

Photograph by Oliver Berlin

Boukla events

Soma Lumia - takayna Anthropocene Blues

Meet the artist

Saturday 10 September | 10AM-4PM

Sunday 11 September | 1-4PM

As part of the season of Boukla by Sophie Underwood, we are excited to announce that Sophie is coming to Hive for the weekend of September 10 & 11 where she will be working in the art gallery on a new collage!

Come in and meet and chat with her about her beautiful collages, her fascinating family history story and her wonderful exhibition.



‘Make your own collage’ with artist Sophie Underwood

Sunday 11 September | 10AM-12PM 

As a special treat, on the morning of Sunday 11 September, Sophie will be taking a workshop for children (aged 8-12) who want to make their own collage, the results of which will be added to the special community wall in the gallery.

That’s right, you can be a part of the exhibition too!


 Exhibition events generously supported by Carrie Lethborg and Ian Chia.




10am – 4pm daily.


Level 1 of Hive


Sophie Underwood
13 August – 25 September 2022